
Radio Transceiver untuk PC, Pemula dan Profesional

Radio Transceiver untuk PC, Pemula dan Profesional

Hamsphere Radio-Greetings Friend, this tutorial I am dedicated to my fellow amateurs in Indonesia, and generally for the first time you want to CQ DX but do not have a radio base station, because the price is quite expensive for the territory of our country Indonesia. Well, luckily there Hamsphere, which is very helpful for amateurs to self test event, both in terms of language or ethics in communication over long distances.
Salam Sobat, tutorial ini saya saya khususkan untuk rekan-rekan amatir di Indonesia, dan umumnya bagi anda yang baru pertama kali mau CQ DX tapi tidak memiliki perangkat radio Base station, karena harganya cukup mahal untuk wilayah negara kita Indonesia. Nah, untungnya ada Hamsphere, yang sangat membantu para amatir untuk ajang uji diri, baik dari segi bahasa ataupun etika dalam berkomunikasi jarak jauh.

I highly recommend for you to download this application (Hamsphere 3) and start communicating with fellow amateurs around the world. because hamsphere not leave her in vain, many features that can be achieved, such as the award DXHC Award, starting from 25 countries, 50 to more than 200 countries. as well as other award.
Saya sangat menyarankan bagi anda untuk mendownload aplikasi ini ( Hamsphere 3 ) dan mulailah berkomunikasi dengan rekan-rekan amatir diseluruh dunia. karena hamsphere tidak memberikan-nya sia-sia, banyak fitur yang bisa anda raih, seperti penghargaan DXHC Award, dimulai dari 25 negara, 50 hingga 200 lebih negara. dan juga award lainnya.

Well, for those of you who are ready to download the application, follow these steps first.
Baiklah, bagi anda yang sudah siap untuk mendownload aplikasinya, ikuti langkah-langkah ini terlebih dahulu.

Step 1 : Go to this page http://www.hamsphere.com/login.php
Once the page opens, click the Create an Account

Steps 2 : Fill in the requested data, such as name and call sign, this applies also to those who do not have a call sign, after all filled, continue to click Download. And check your email.

Steps 3 : Loggin to your dashboard, same like a step 1. Fill your call sign and password and click Login.
Steps 4 : Once the page opens as below click Download and will opens the next page..

Steps 5 : Once the download page open as below, select the one platform that fits your PC or laptop, if mine I use windows 8.1.
 Steps 6 : You have Done, Conratulation.. Oh my Goodness, Yup, wait until download done, and instal.

I think you already know the next step, after the download is complete, install and then launch, as well as the input call sign and the password you were given hamsphere to you, congratulations air-QSOs.
Saya rasa, langkah selanjutnya anda sudah tahu, setelah download selesai, instal dan kemudian launch, serta masukan Call sign dan pasword yang telah di berikan hamsphere kepada Anda, selamat ber-QSO

Do not forget, if you are still using a trial version, use your best to obtain DXHC-Award and others. There are still other tutorials about Hamsphere, if there is time I will give it to you.
Jangan lupa, Jika anda masih menggunakan versi trial, manfaatkan sebaik-baiknya untuk memperoleh DXHC Award dan Award-Award lainnya. Masih ada tutorial lainnya seputar Hamsphere, jika ada waktu saya akan memberikannya untuk Anda.

if you want to participate in writing articles on this blog, please include your email in the comments box, so I invite you, just for Gmail only. other than that I do not accept.
jika Anda ingin berpartisipasi dalam menulis artikel di blog ini, Silahkan sertakan Email Anda pada kotak komentar, agar saya invite Anda, hanya untuk Gmail saja. selain itu saya tidak terima.

Well so much from me, and hopefully useful.
Baiklah sekian dari saya, dan semoga bermanfaat




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